The RSL is Australia's largest, most influential and effective ex-service organisation.
The League provides its members with a range of benefits and services, as well as promoting the ties of mateship and caring for veterans and their dependants.
Current membership to the Kew RSL sub-Branch allows patronage of the building, supports returned service members and their families, and also ensures you are kept up to date with what's happening at the RSL. And membership of the Kew RSL allows you access to RSL clubs generally state-wide.
Membership is currently set at $50 per year.
To facilitate this process, the link to become a NEW member is
To update a current membership, see the forms below. You can also use the forms to create a new membership, rather than the link.
As well as completing the forms, payment needs to be made to:
Kew RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
Bendigo Bank
BSB 633 000, Account 131717944
Please ensure payments are accompanied by a name or Membership Number.
OR call in at 95 Cotham Road, Kew (Newsagency) and the friendly Craig, Kew RSL Secretary, will help you.
If printing and completing one of the relevant application forms below, please return it via post. C/O Kew RSL - 63 Cotham Road, Kew VIC 3101.
The Kew RSL Club thanks you!
What is Service Membership?
Service Membership of the RSL is available to anyone who is currently serving or has served in the ADF or any of Australia's allied armed forces. Service membership offers serving and ex-serving personnel mateship with others of similar life experiences.
What is Affiliate Membership?
Affiliate Membership is a type of RSL membership that caters for family members of serving and ex-service men and women. It is also for members or ex-members of the police, fire brigade, ambulance and SES. Affiliates are entitled to vote on Sub-Branch matters and elections.
Its purpose is to provide a form of RSL membership that maintains the ‘bloodlines' of those who have served their country in both peace and war.
What is Social Membership?
Social Membership is offered to those who would like to be a part of their local RSL Sub-Branch on a social level.
Social Membership provides for the same benefits as Service and Affiliate members, however the right to vote on RSL matters does not apply.